Recognition of Offline Handwritten Gujarati Numerals

0*, Manish M. Kayasth**
* Assistant Professor and I/c Principal, Smt. Tanuben & Dr. Manubhai Trivedi College of information Science, Surat, India.
** Assistant Professor and HOD, UCCC & SPBCBA & SDHG College of BCA and IT, Surat, India.
Periodicity:December - February'2017


In Optical Character Recognition, written characters are recognized by computer based system. Such characters might be computer generated or handwritten. In case writing process is over, it is considered as offline writing. This paper proposes offline handwritten Gujarati numerals (0-9) recognition. Offline handwritten character recognition is an important area of pattern recognition. The entire character recognition task is logically divided into Image acquisition, preprocessing, feature extraction, classification, and recognition steps. To recognize Gujarati numeral features, such as hole, straight-line, number of open/end edge and open edge present in different zone(s), etc., are extracted. As per the result of different extracted features for particular Gujarati numeral, classification is carried out. Methodology, Implementation of it, and the results obtained are presented in the paper.


Handwritten Gujarati Numerals, Handwritten Character Recognition

How to Cite this Article?

Bharat C. Patel and Manish M. Kayasth (2017). Recognition of Offline Handwritten Gujarati Numerals. i-manager’s Journal on Information Technology, 6(1), 14-18.


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