From Novice to Expert: The Perceived Self-Efficacy of Teachers Implementing Orton-Gillingham with Children with Dyslexia - A Case Study

Carianne Bernadowski*
*Professor of Education, School of Education and Social Science, Robert Morris University, Pennsylvania, USA.
Periodicity:April - June'2017


In a time of increased accountability for U.S. schools, teachers are working tirelessly to meet the needs of their everchanging and diverse classroom populations. Many of these children come to school with a myriad of learning differences and disabilities. The most noted reading disability in many U.S. classrooms is dyslexia. This qualitative case study examined the self-efficacy of teachers who were trained and used a structured literacy tutoring program that utilized the Orton-Gillingham method of phonetic instruction. The results indicate that with sufficient training teachers' self-confidence improved significantly. Knowledge in teaching strategies may have the greatest impact on teachers' self-efficacy, which in turn, effects instructional planning, instructional implementation, and student achievement.


Teacher Training, Dyslexia, Self-Efficacy.

How to Cite this Article?

Bernadowski, C. (2017). From Novice to Expert: The Perceived Self-Efficacy of Teachers Implementing Orton-Gillingham with Children with Dyslexia - A Case Study. i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, 7(2), 51-58.


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