Awareness of Community Health Nurses on and Relevance ofGlobal Health Competencies

Juan Jose T. David*, Jose Reinhard C. Laoingco**
* Campus Dean, Delmark Global Academy, School of Practical Nursing, Baguio City, Philippines.
** Saint Louis University, School of Nursing, Graduate Program, Baguio City, Philippines.
Periodicity:February - April'2017


This study was conducted to determine the awareness of community health nurses on and relevance of global health competencies. Specifically, it sought to: determine if there are significant differences of the awareness of community health nurses on and relevance of global health competencies when grouped according to length of service and educational attainment; and, examine the correlation of the awareness of community health nurses on and relevance of global health competencies. The results of the study will add up to the community health nurses' current knowledge on global health competencies for a more effective and reliable global health personnel. The results revealed that community health nurses have very high awareness on global health competencies with social and environmental determinants of health as the subset with the highest mean. Moreover, they perceive global health competencies as very relevant with health care in low-resource setting as the most relevant subset. Educational attainment and length of service are not factors in determining the awareness of community health nurses on and relevance of global health competencies. Finally, the awareness of community health nurses on global health competencies is significantly correlated to their perceived relevance of the said competencies.


Awareness, Community Health Nurses, Global Health, Global Health Competencies, Global Health Personnel, Relevance.

How to Cite this Article?

David, J.J.T., and Laoingco, J.R.C. (2017). Awareness of Community Health Nurses on and Relevance of Global Health Competencies. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 7(1), 16-22.


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