Hot Corrosion Behaviour of Superalloys and Plasma Coatings as a Protective Technique – A Review

Atul Agnihotri*, Sukhminderbir Singh Kalsi**
* Research Scholar, IK Gujral Punjab Technical University, Punjab, India.
** Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IK Gujral Punjab Technical University, Punjab, India.
Periodicity:April - June'2017


Superalloys are treated as the most important group among engineering materials as they play a very important role in meeting the rapid rising demand for metallic materials with higher strength and special properties, with the advancement of technology. Such materials which are used for high temperature applications are subjected to hot corrosion and high temperature wear. This leads to high grade problem which has been observed in boilers, internal combustion engines, gas turbines, fluidized bed combustion, and industrial waste incinerators. There are several methods available today to minimize the extent of hot corrosion. But more efforts need to be done for a quantitative evaluation of these methods. For the past few years, the plasma sprayed protective coatings technique is widely adopted throughout the globe and is extensively used for protecting the critical components/appliances when exposed to aggressive environmental conditions like super critical temperatures and pressures. Nowadays, coatings are applied to components in energy generation processes to provide thermal insulation, corrosion and wear resistance. In order to protect the surface of structural steels and to prevent them from surface degradation processes, such as wear, oxidation, corrosion and erosion, coatings are applied to chemical process plants or boilers. This paper is aimed at presenting the current scenario related to the use of plasma spray as a protective technique against hot corrosion. It includes a brief discussion about the fundamentals of plasma spray, process variants of plasma spraying, post coating treatments, role of coatings in aggressive environments, and other relevant researches. The use of plasma spray coating technique and surface treatments to improve the corrosion and wear resistance of engineering components is well established and is a recognized technology.


Hot Corrosion, Plasma Spray Coatings, Oxidation, Superalloy.

How to Cite this Article?

Agnihotri, A., and Kalsi, S.S. (2017). Hot Corrosion Behaviour of Superalloys and Plasma Coatings as a Protective Technique – A Review. i-manager’s Journal on Material Science, 5(1), 23-30.


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