Data Publishing in Decentralized System Using Trusty URI’s

Y. Nandini*, E. Prakash Babu**, S. Vellinangiri***
* M.Tech Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SVPCET, Puttur, India.
** Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SVPCET, Puttur, India.
***Head of the Department,Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SVPCET, Puttur, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2016


Today's web has no usual components to make computerized relics, for example, datasets, code, messages, and pictures, which are precise and stay unaltered. Digital artifacts are not modifiable to unchange, and there is no right technique to implement this perpetuity. These disappointments have a great negative effect on the adaptability to imitate the consequences of procedures that depend on web assets and furthermore it impacts regions like science where reproducibility is basic. To tackle this issue, the authors have proposed trusty URIs containing cryptographic condensations. They have also dealt with how trusty URIs will be utilized for the verification of digital artifacts, in a way that is independent of the distributed design in the instance of organized data records like Nanopublications. They exhibited how the constant of those documents end up noticeably immutable, and additionally conditions to external digital artifacts were added, and along these lies extending the scope of undeniable nature to the entire reference tree. This approach adheres to the center standards of the Web, for example, openness and decentralization, and is totally good with existing gauges and conventions. A transformative model demonstrates that these style objectives are absolutely proficient by their approach, which remains sensible for large documents.


Digital Artifacts, Nanopublications, Data Publishing, Web Resources.

How to Cite this Article?

Nandini, Y., Babu, E. P., and Vellinangiri, S. (2016). Data Publishing In Decentralized System Using Trusty URI’s. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 11(2), 26-30.


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