An Experimental Study on RC Beam with Rectangular Opening: Torsional Load

Mandala Venugopal*, Asha Patel**, V. Rajesh***
*,*** Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, St Martin's Engineering College, Hyderabad, India.
** Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology-Rourkela, India.
Periodicity:March - May'2017


In today's modern world, the construction has made vast changes in design. Some of the utility and service ducts are important parts of modern building construction. Web openings in a beam adversely affect its strength and stiffness resulting in excessive deflections, which may lead to unpleasant appearance and collapse of the structure. Therefore, such beams are required to strengthen to restore their strength. The newly developed technique of jacketing the deficit beam with layers of Fiber Reinforced Polymer has proven to be very efficient in restoring and increasing the strength of the beam. The present work is to explore the behavior of rectangular RC beams with rectangular opening under torsion load. The torsional capacity of beams with opening is extracted experimentally. The study is extended by retrofitting the beams with four layers of bidirectional woven GFRP fabric applied by following orientation [0/90]2 . The restoring torsion capacity, crack patterns are observed and the strength has been increased by retrofitting.


RCC, Rectangular Opening, Torsional Load, GFRP, Retrofitting.

How to Cite this Article?

Venugopal,M., Patel, A., and Rajesh, V. (2017). An Experimental Study on RC Beam with Rectangular Opening: Torsional Load. i-manager’s Journal on Civil Engineering, 7(2), 15-19.


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