Parallel Singular Value Decomposition Algorithm on Cell Broadband Engine Architecture

Padmaja Kanase*, Ankush Mittal**, Kuldip Singh***
* Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee.
** Department of Computer Science, College of Engineering, Roorkee.
*** Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee.
Periodicity:October - December'2010


The singular value decomposition (SVD) is an important technique used for factorization of a rectangular real or complex matrix.  But computationally SVD is very expensive in terms of time and space. Multicore processors can be used for such type of problems which are computationally intensive. The Cell Broadband Engine is one such multicore processor consisting of a traditional PowerPC based master core meant to run the operating system, and 8 delegate slave processors built for compute intensive processing. This work introduces a modification on the serial singular value decomposition algorithm. It describes parallel implementation of the modified algorithm on Cell BE and issues involved. Exposure of system level optimization features in Cell BE has been employed on algorithm specific operations to achieve improvements to a great extent.  The implementation achieves significant performance, thereby giving about 8 times speedup over sequential implementation.


Bidiagonalization,Cell BE,Diagonalization,Gulab-Kahan-Riench SVD, Parallelization,Singular Value Decomposition.

How to Cite this Article?

Padmaja Kanase, Ankush Mittal and Kuldip Singh (2010). Parallel Singular Value Decomposition Algorithm on Cell Broadband Engine Architecture. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 5(2), 16-25.


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