Estimating the Quality of the Blurred Images using Standard Error as a Quality Metric

R. Maruthi*, S.P. Faustina Joan**, R.Nithya***, R.Sridevi****
* Assistant Professor, Department of MCA, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai.
**-**** PG Students, Department of MCA, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai.
Periodicity:November - January'2011


The goal of this research paper is to assess the quality of the blurred images using a reference image. This is done using a bi-variate measure and is also demonstrated to show how well this measure is used in estimating the quality of the blurred images. Experiments have been performed on various sets of blurred images and the information content in those images has been estimated using standard error as a quality metric.


Image quality,Standard error,Blurred images.

How to Cite this Article?

Maruthi, R , Joan, S.P. F., Nithya , R., and Sridevi , R. (2011). Estimating The Quality Of The Blurred Images Using Standard Error As A Quality Metric. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 6(2), 63-67.


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