Structural analysis of tissue in contiguous micro calcifications inmammograms for breast cancer identification

Bhagwati Charan Patel*, G. R. Sinha**
* Associate Professor (IT), Shri Shankaracharya College of Engg. & Tech, Bhilai, India.
** Professor & Head (IT), Shri Shankaracharya College of Engg. & Tech, Bhilai, India.
Periodicity:November - January'2011


Identification of micro-calcifications (MCs) is challenged by the presence of dense breast tissue, resulting in low specificity values and thus in unnecessary biopsies. The current study investigates whether structural properties of the tissue in contiguous MCs can contribute to breast cancer identification.  A sample of 75 dense mammographic images affected with malignant and benign were  collected from BSR APPOLO for cancer research and diagnosis and included in the digital Database. Regions of interest (ROIs) containing the MCs were pre-processed using a wavelet based contrast enhancement method, followed by local thresholding to segment MCs; the segmented MCs were excluded from original image ROIs, and the remaining area (in contiguous tissue) was subjected to structural analysis. Four categories of structural features (first order statistics, co-occurrence matrices features, run length matrices features and Laws’ structural energy measures) were extracted from the contiguous tissue. The ability of each feature category in discriminating malignant from benign tissue was investigated using a k-closest neighbor (kCN) classifier. Receiver Structural Characteristic (RSC) analysis was conducted for classifier performance evaluation of the individual structural feature categories and of the combined classification scheme. The best performance was achieved by the combined classification scheme yielding an area under the RSC curve of 0.96 (sensitivity 94.4%, specificity 80.0%). Structural analysis of tissue in contiguous MCs shows promising results in computer-aided diagnosis of breast cancer and may contribute to the reduction of unnecessary biopsies.


Microcalcification,Structural analysis,Tissue,Receiver structural characteristic.

How to Cite this Article?

Patel , B. C., and Sinha, G. R. (2011). Structural Analysis Of Tissue In Contiguous Micro Calcifications In Mammograms For Breast Cancer Identification. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 6(2), 20-27.


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