The concept of organization loyalty as been of great relevance to employees and organization since time immemorial. In spite of immense opportunities and availability of talent in service industry field, in order to secure best efficiency out of the workforce it is essential to make employees loyal towards work and organization .Amongst the multi-facet reason leading to attrition lack of loyalty in workforce is the major cause.The role of service industry in development of economy is imperative. With the rapid expansion in this field followed by LPG the sector demands talented, loyal and committed workforce to sustain development .Thus the role of understanding and evaluating loyalty and ways and means of sustaining the same in hearts, minds and behavior of employees reflecting in form of high productivity and benefits in retaining the intellectual and knowledge capital in its different sub-sectors is worth noting.This paper attempts to identify different segments /category of employee on the basis of loyalty , further an attempt is made to identify the intensity of loyalty amongst different segments .Also association between different segments, age, and association between affective commitment and organization loyalty is been determined with the help of chi-square test.Results reveal that there is a significant association between age, different segments and affective commitment with organization loyalty. An important finding was that in spite of different level of loyalty among employees, employees do not promote their organization outside which shows that there is a need to rejuvenate the strategies to promote loyalty. The finding suggests that management of such institutions should design such strategies that would help in keeping stability among different categories/segments of employees to keep overall loyalty towards organization high.