Apathy Conditions Of Municipal Solid Waste In Durg Region: A Study

Shraddha Garg*, G. S. Vij**
* Lecturer, C.S.I.T., Durg (C.G.)
** Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil, C.S.I.T. Durg(C.G.)
Periodicity:May - July'2010
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jfet.5.4.1286


There is an enormous increase in the complexity of municipal solid waste in India in last few decades. This is largely because of rapid urbanization, uncontrolled population growth and economic development in the country.This paper discusses the status of solid waste in Durg to reveal the current practices in the region.


Municipal solid waste(m.s.w.),Leachate,Treaching ground.

How to Cite this Article?

Garg, S., and Vij, G. S. (2010). Apathy Conditions Of Municipal Solid Waste In Durg Region: A Study. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 5(4), 48-55. https://doi.org/10.26634/jfet.5.4.1286


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