Student Success In Top 20 Courses Of An Online Institution: Demographic Differences In A Multi-Semester Cross-Curricular Study

Angela M.Gibson*, Lori Kupczynski**, Phil Ice***
* Instructional Design Project Leader, American Public University System.
** Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership, Texas A&M University – Kingsville.
*** Director of Course Design, Research and Development, American Public University System.
Periodicity:July - September'2010


Student success is vitally important.  Without academic achievement student self-efficacy is lost, persistence is blocked, and matriculation is unachievable.  Exponential growth at online institutions necessitates the inquiry into factors that play a role in student success.  In this study, approximately 15,000 cases from the Top 20 enrolled courses of undergraduate students at a large national fully online university were examined to determine if course Grade Point Average was related with student characteristics, e.g., student gender, ethnicity, age, and military status.  Multiple semester sessions were analyzed across multiple curricular areas.  Results and recommendations are discussed.


Student Success, Academic Achievement, Online Learning, Higher Education, Undergraduate Students, Ethnic Membership, Gender, Minority, Age Status, Non-Traditional Students, Military Status.

How to Cite this Article?

Angela M. Gibson, Lori Kupczynski and Phil Ice (2010). Student Success in Top 20 Courses of an Online Institution: Demographic Differences in a Multi-Semester Cross-Curricular Study. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 7(2), 18-27.


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