Enhancement of Energy Efficiency in Squirrel Cage Induction Motors Using DCR Technology

S. Manoharan*, N. Devarajan**, M. Deivasahayam***, G. Ranganathan****
* Professor, Department of EIE, Karpagam College of Engineering,Coimbatore.
** Associate Professor, GCT, Coimbatore.
*** J.M.D., Mehala Machines India Ltd., Coimbatore.
**** Consultant Engineer, Coimbatore.
Periodicity:October - December'2010
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jee.4.2.1272


In today's power production and utilization scenario, various types of problems are faced such as Depletion of fossil fuel sources, Increase in fuel cost, Deterioration of ecological balance due to carbon emission, Transmission and Distribution losses, Higher energy consumption due to poor efficiency drives and increased demand due to development taking place in many areas of the world which were hitherto undeveloped / under developed. Many of these problems can be addressed by adopting suitable technology resulting in energy saving. 'Energy conservation through Energy Efficiency' is the need of the hour and attempting to achieve this by developing higher efficiency motors with Die-cast Copper Rotor Motor (DCR) Technology. This paper covers the author's experiences so far and provides details of efficiency improvements, Energy saving potential ,case studies in the existing Die-cast Aluminium rotor motor (DAR) with the proposed DCR motor, especially in the industrial and agricultural sectors. This paper also includes some of the general Policy approaches for encouraging electrical energy efficiency.


Induction Motor, Efficiency Improvement, Submersible Pump Set, Die- cast Copper Rotor, Copper Fabricated Rotor, Energy Efficiency

How to Cite this Article?

S. Manoharan, N. Devarajan, M. Deivasahayam and G. Ranganathan (2010). Fuzzy Logic Power Oscillations Damping (FLPOD) Controller for UPFC to Enhance the transient Stability of Multi Machine Power System. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 4(2), 13-19. https://doi.org/10.26634/jee.4.2.1272


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