Condition Of Safe Environment Creation In Preschool Educational Institutions And Its Development Prospects

Rasa Braslauskiene*, Reda Vismantiene**, Gisli Thorsteinsson***
* Klaipeda University.
** Klaipeda University.
*** University of Iceland.
Periodicity:June - August'2010


Educators should attempt to create a common and solid strategy in preschool educational institutions in order to sufficiently ensure a safe social environment of children. A research examining health and safety issues in Lithuanian pre-schools was carried out in Klaipeda. The aim was to analyse the conditions of safe environment creation for children in preschool educational institution and its development prospects.


Safe Environment, Preschool Education, Preschool Educational Institution.

How to Cite this Article?

Rasa Braslauskiene, Reda Vismantiene and Gisli Thorsteinsson (2010). Condition of Safe Environment Creation In Preschool Educational Institutions and Its Development Prospects.i-manager's Journal on School Educational Technology, 6(1), 48-59.


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