Combined Optimization for Loss Reduction of Radial Distribution System Using Genetic Algorithm

P. V. Prasad*, Sathyanarayana**, T.Ramana***
* Associate Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics, Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad.
** Associate Professor, University College of Engineering, JNTUK, Kakinada.
***Principal, VRS & YRN, College of Engineering & Technology, Chirala, Andra Pradesh.
****Assistant Professor, VRS & YRN, College of Engineering & Technology, Chirala, Andra Pradesh.
Periodicity:July - September'2010


Feeder reconfiguration and capacitor placement are generally used for power loss reduction and voltage profile enhancement in radial distribution systems. This paper presents a joint optimization algorithm of combining feeder reconfiguration and capacitor placement for loss reduction. Genetic Algorithm (GA) is chosen to solve this combined optimization problem. The advantage of this method is that it can provide a global or near global optimum for feeder reconfiguration and capacitor placement. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated with 33-node radial distribution system.


Reconfiguration, Capacitor Placement, Genetic Algorithm, Combined Optimization

How to Cite this Article?

P.V. Prasad, S. Sivanagaraju, S. Satyanarayana and T. Ramana (2010). Combined Optimization For Loss Reduction Of Radial Distribution System Using Genetic Algorithm. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 4(1), 37-42.


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