Metacognition Through Technology And Teaching

Annamma George*, Mini Dejo Kappen**
* Lecturer, Department of Physics, Princess Noura Bint Abdul Rahman University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
** Professor, Department of Education, Karunya University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:November - January'2011


Effective learning merely does not imply manipulation of information, which is integrated into an existing knowledge base, but rather, directing attention to what one has assimilated, understanding relationship between new information and what is already known, understanding the process which facilitated this and being aware that something new has actually been learnt. This article deals with the influence of technology in the development of Meta cognition in learners. At the beginning of any learning activity, students need to list their Pre-requisite knowledge and the knowledge to be constructed. As they delve into their investigation, they will verify, clarify and expand or replace their pre-requisite knowledge with more accurate information. Meta cognition significantly contributes to academic performance and the content may be taught through educational procedures that include provision of Meta cognitive knowledge and facilitate Meta cognitive experiences. This article will help to understand how both Meta cognition and web based instruction play a major role in the new generation instruction strategy.


Meta Cognition, Inquiry Based Learning, Didactic Teaching, Directed Discovery, Meta Teaching, Reciprocal Teaching, Paired Problem Solving, Web Based Instruction.

How to Cite this Article?

Annamma George and Mini Dejo Kappan (2011). Metacognition Through Technology And Teaching. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 4(3), 32-38.


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