An Improved Diamond Search Pattern For Motion Estimation

Sheetal Banchhor*, Dolley Shukla**
* PG Student, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Shri Shankaracharya College of Engineering and Technology, Bhilai, India.
** Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, Shri Shankaracharya College of Engineering and Technology, Bhilai, India.
Periodicity:September - November'2016


One of the most widely accepted search patterns for motion estimation is Diamond Search (DS). DS patterns formed are better than Full Search, Three step search, New Three Step Search, etc., but over the years, many other hybrid patterns, such as Hexagon Diamond, Cross Diamond Search, Modified Small Cross Diamond Search, etc., have been developed. These hybrid algorithms outperform DS either in terms of PSNR or search pixel. A new Improved Diamond Search pattern has been proposed in this paper. Improved DS is center biased. Changes in the search direction within the conventional DS have been made to introduce the Improved DS. This paper performs a comparison between the DS and Improved DS by implementing them in the different pixel space of the block of the frame. The test result gives PSNR better in case of Improved DS than that of DS showing that Improved DS is more efficient than the DS.


Motion Estimation, Block Matching Algorithms, MSE, PSNR, DS

How to Cite this Article?

Banchhor, S., and Shukla, D. (2016). An Improved Diamond Search Pattern For Motion Estimation. i-manager’s Journal on Pattern Recognition, 3(3), 19-23.


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