Influence of Staff Professional Development on Teachers' Instructional Competence in Nigeria: A Review of the Literature

Charity E. Duru-Uremadu *
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Educational Management, College of Education, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Umuahia, Nigeria.
Periodicity:January - March'2017


Importance of staff professional development on teachers' instructional competence in public secondary school in Nigeria cannot be overemphasized. This is because it leads to effective and efficient instructional delivery in the school setting. This paper therefore discussed theoretical and conceptual frameworks of professional development for teachers. In particular, it reviewed empirical studies on related past literature to underscore the need for staff professional development in a bid to improve on teachers' instructional competence in secondary school system in Nigeria. Discoveries from past studies established that continuous professional development of teachers has a significant role to play in their instructional competence and school performance. It is therefore recommended that, management of schools should embrace motivational practices necessary for enhancing teachers' productivity, governments and policy makers should encourage secondary school management to always imbibe culture of continuous professional training and retaining of their teachers and make provision for adequate funding of schools in their annual budgets so as to enable school administrators implement these recommendations without financial constraints.


Influence, Staff Professional Development, Teachers' Instructional Competence, Public Secondary Schools, School Administrators, Instructional Delivery, Teachers' Productivity

How to Cite this Article?

Uremadu, C.D., (2017). Influence of Staff Professional Development on Teachers’ Instructional Competence in Nigeria: A Review of the Literature. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 13(4), 38-49.


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