SRAM Write Operation Using Write Assist Circuit Technique at Low Supply Voltages

A. Pulla Reddy*, G.Sreenivasulu**, R. Veerabadra Chary***
* Research Scholar, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SVU College of Engineering, Tirupati, India.
** Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SVU College of Engineering, Tirupati, India.
*** Senior Manager, Invecas Ltd., India.
Periodicity:September - November'2016


The increased effect of process variation and increase in parasitic resistance and capacitance in nano scale technologies at lower supply voltages, and continuous increase in the size of SRAMs require additional techniques, such as write assist and read assist to improve the write-ability, readability, and stability of SRAM memories. The SRAM bit cell write-ability is very critical at lower voltages. The impact of the write assist technique is analysed in this paper which will improve the write-ability of the SRAM memory and also its impact on the performance, power, and area of the chip. The Negative Bit-line Voltage Bias scheme is discussed and executed at the transistor level using conventional SRAM cell (6T). With the write assist circuit, the implemented SRAM bit cell efficiently performs a write operation at lower voltages. The main objective of this paper is to improve the write-ability of the SRAM cell at lower supply voltage using Negative Bit-line Write Assist Circuit.


SRAM, Write Assist, Negative Bit Line, Stability

How to Cite this Article?

Reddy, P. A., Sreenivasulu, G., and chary, R.V. (2016). SRAM Write Operation Using Write Assist Circuit Technique at Low Supply Voltages. i-manager’s Journal on Circuits and Systems, 4(4), 1-5.


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