An Experimental Modeling of a Service Blueprint based on Inbound Travelers’ Point of View – Study at a Three Star Hotel in Calicut

Aparna Venugopal*, Vadassery Gopakumar**
* Research Scholar, KMCT School of Business (KSB), Kozhikode, Kerala, India.
** Director, Sree Narayana Guru Institute of Science & Technology, Ernakulam, Kerala, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2010


Evolution of economies worldwide highlight that the service sector is growing faster than any other sectors.  In contrary the productivity and consequently the quality of this sector seems to be declining.  Therefore designing the services and its quality is considered as a major challenge in service organizations and especially in those who want to have a customer based design.  In this study a new methodology has been proposed to prioritize service process design characteristics (SPDC) based on customer requirements to design a quality service blueprint.  Two comprehensive sets of customer requirements and SERVICE PROCESS DESIGN CHARACTERISTICS were developed, which in turn supports the House of Quality analysis.  The proposed methodology was examined at a three star Hotel at Calicut, India.  Data was gathered from designed questionnaires and statistically analyzed.  After computing the matrix in House of Quality the total values of service process design characteristics was found and prioritized and then after comparing them with the manager’s point of view the differences were finally highlighted and a quality service map was developed.  The differences between the manager’ point of view and the proposed methodology  implies that the new methodology is much more effective than the traditional approaches, in which the service process design characteristics were prioritized based on the manager’s point of view.


Service Process Design Characteristics (SPDC),House of Quality,Service Blue print,Correlative Analysis,House of quality analysis,Relationship matrix,Gap Analysis.

How to Cite this Article?

Aparna Venugopal and Vadassery Gopakumar (2010). An Experimental Modeling of a Service Blueprint based on Inbound Travelers’ Point of View – Study at a Three Star Hotel in Calicut. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 5(1), 42-56.


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