Reaching the Facebook generation: Exploring the efficacies of Facebook advertising methods in developing brand awareness, attitude, and purchase intention

David Di Zhang*
Associate Professor,Department of Management & Marketing, Edwards School of Business, University of Saskatchewan
Periodicity:June - August'2010


This study empirically investigates how effective are Facebook advertising methods in recruiting new customers and building relationships with existing customers. Social networking media, such as Facebook, have been commonly perceived to have the power to change marketing. However, more academic research is needed to examine how these new media function.  Using an experimental method, this study contrasts the effectiveness of two common Facebook advertising methods — a branded game application, and a branded fan page. We expected branded game applications, being fast, fun, and yet transient, would be effective in attracting new viewer interests, and raising brand awareness, whereby helping to recruit new customers; vis-à-vis a fan page strengthens relationship among existing customers who are already familiar with the advertised brand. Surprisingly, we found the fan page failed to enhance our subjects’ perceived brand advantage for a well known brand, while both methods were relatively effective in raising subjects’ brand awareness and purchase intention for an unknown brand.  This result might be specific to our college student subjects. Generalization is not recommended. Considering, however, that college students are typically Facebook users, our finding has significant implications for marketing practitioners.


Facebook,social networking media,branding,brand awareness,brand advantage,communication,advertising.

How to Cite this Article?

David Di Zhang (2010). Reaching the Facebook generation: Exploring the efficacies of Facebook advertising methods in developing brand awareness, attitude, and purchase intention. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 5(1), 12-22.


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