Effectively Marketing Managed Health Care: A Look at the Role Marketing Mix Variables Play in the Delivery of Health Care

Jamie Pleasant*, Charles T. Moses**, Donald Vest***
*, ** Associate Professor, School of Business Administration, Clark-Atlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia.
*** Assistant Professor, Marketing and International Business, Clark-Atlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia.
Periodicity:June - August'2010
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jmgt.5.1.1224


This paper presents effective ways that healthcare marketing administrators can utilize the marketing mix variables to maximize their delivery of healthcare services.  Managed healthcare companies are continuing to look at various ways to develop an effective and efficient brand among many competitors that exists in the healthcare industry.  The task of healthcare firms to be the preferred provider for customers over other companies is not an easy undertaking.  It requires sound marketing strategies that will establish one healthcare provider’s brand over another’s.  Providers must establish themselves as a brand to compete.  As customers are becoming more knowledgeable about healthcare and have more access to databases of all healthcare providers, the ability for a healthcare provider to properly implement the place, price, promotion, and product marketing mix variables will give that firm a sustainable competitive advantage among others.  Therefore, healthcare providers must understand and utilize branding strategies based on the marketing mix variables.  This paper examines each marketing mix variable that a healthcare provider can utilize in order to help establish a credible, unique and powerful brand.


How to Cite this Article?

Jamie Pleasant, Charles T. Moses and Donald Vest (2010). Effectively Marketing Managed Health Care: A Look at the Role Marketing Mix Variables Play in the Delivery of Health Care. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 5(1), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.26634/jmgt.5.1.1224


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