A Study Of Adjustment Problems And Academic Achievement Of Students At College Level

B. Tamilselvi*, S. Rajaguru**
* Research Scholar, Department of Educational Technology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, TN.
** Reader in Education, Sri Ramakrishna Mission, Vidhyalaya College of Education, Coimbatore, TN.
Periodicity:May - July'2010
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.4.1.1223


Future world is in the hands of present youth. It is a well known fact that education shapes the future of the youth. The college is the major socialization institution of the youth. College is one of the most important foundation pillars on which the youth’s personality develops. Adolescents learn proficiencies in various abilities like learning process, social communications, handling emotions and the management of day-to-day interaction at home and college. In reality, the growing adolescent is dependent on the immediate environment i.e. the house and the college to meet his growth needs. The young college students face a lot of problems while adjusting with their environment at college, home and society. To find out whether these problems become hurdles in their path of academic achievement, the present study was done. 300 II year UG college students both from the Arts and Science were taken for the study and their adjustment problems were analyzed with the help of an adjustment inventory. The variables taken for the study were sex, community, residence, educational qualification and the annual income of the parents. The conclusion arrived at the study was that the student’s adjustment problems at home, education, society and emotion, remarkably affect their academic achievement. In other words, the students who are better in their adjustment mechanisms are able to score high academic achievement. So to tone up their adjustment ability, it can be suggested that the students can be subjected to (i) Group works and assignments, (ii) Yoga and Meditation, practice and, (iii) Guidance and Counseling.


Adjustment, Adjustment Problems, Academic Achievement, Guidance, Counseling.

How to Cite this Article?

B. Tamil Selvi and S. Rajaguru (2010). A Study Of Adjustment Problems And Academic Achievement Of Students At College Level. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 4(1), 45-50. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.4.1.1223


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