Improvement in Spectral Output and Computational Efficiency of Digital Filter Bank

Ganekanti Hemanj*, K. Satya Prasad**, P. Venkata Subbaiah***
* Research Scholar, Department of ECE., JNT University, Kakinada, A.P., India.
** Professor (ECE) and Director of Evaluation, JNTU, Kakinada. A.P., India.
*** Professor (ECE) cum Principal, ASIST, Paritala, Krishna Dt., A.P., India.
Periodicity:April - June'2010


Digital filtering is considered to be crucial operator in reconstruction and visualization of information, besides amounting to increase in computational efficiency. The FIR based digital filter bank is more effective in respect of above advantages. In this paper, we propose a novel approach in Multirate technique through Digital filter bank method, based on Modified Kaiser window. A remarkable spectral output is achieved by way of increase in magnitude, quality of output, better frequency response and computational efficiency. The simulation results are added on account of satisfactory performance and comparison is drawn to enlighten the advantages in the proposed method. This type of filter bank is particularly suitable in typical hearing aid applications to achieve significant merits for improving output quality.


Multirate Processing , Heterodyning, Bandpass Filtering, Decimation, Modified Kaiser Window, Spectral Output, Computational Efficiency.

How to Cite this Article?

Ganekanti Hemanj, K. Satya Prasad and P. Venkata Subbaiah (2010). Improvement in Spectral Output and Computational Efficiency of Digital Filter Bank. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 4(4), 66-73.


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