To Cope with Misbehavior in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks and Performance Analysis with DSR Protocol

V. Sumalatha*, Prasanthi**
* Assistant Professor, JNTUACE, Anantapur.
** Associate Professor, JNTUACE, Anantapur.
Periodicity:April - June'2010


Ad-Hoc wireless networks have emerged as one of the key growth areas for wireless networking and computing technology. One of the major factors effecting the ad-hoc communication is the misbehaving of nodes. Node misbehavior due to selfish or maliciousness or faults can significantly degrade the performance of mobile ad hoc networks. Most of the routing protocols in wireless ad hoc networks, such as DSR, fail to detect misbehavior and assume nodes are trustworthy and cooperative.

Dynamic Source Routing protocol is modified to cope with misbehavior. It enables nodes to detect misbehavior by first-hand observation and use the second-hand information provided by other nodes. The view a node has about the behavior of another node is captured in a reputation system, which is used to classify nodes as misbehaving or normal. Once a misbehaving node is detected, it is isolated from the network. Reputation systems can, however be tricked by the spread of false reputation ratings, be it false accusations or false praise. To solve this problem, a fully distributed reputation system is proposed that can cope with false information and effectively use second-hand information in a safe way. Approach is based on modified Bayesian estimation and classification procedure for the isolation of malicious and selfish nodes of given network.

In this paper, tests are performed for the network containing normal nodes and misbehaving nodes, the delay plots of original DSR and Modified DSR is compared and performance has been analyzed. The proposed task is implemented in MATLAB for protocol implementation and verification.


Adhoc Networks, DSR, Misbehavior, Reputation System, Trust.

How to Cite this Article?

V. Sumalatha and Prasanthi (2010). To Cope with Misbehavior in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks and Performance Analysis with DSR Protocol.i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 4(4), 61-65.


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