Performance Improvement of PV System in Irradiation Variations Using MPPT Algorithm

Javed Khan Bhutto*, Mool Singh**
* Research Scholar, Department of Electrical Engg, MNIT, Jaipur, India.
** Professor, Department of Electrical Engg, MNIT, Jaipur, India.
Periodicity:April - June'2010


In this paper, a combined low cost high efficiency converter and maximum peak power tracker has been presented. The maximum power point tracker system consists of DC-DC boost converter and PWM. PWM generates high quality sinusoidal line current. The suitable duty ratio for the boost converter will force the PV to work around the optimum voltage. The power generated by a PV cell depends on the operating voltage of the array, its voltage-current and voltage-power characteristic curves specify a unique operating point at which maximum possible power is delivered and the array is operated at its highest efficiency. One of the problems in designing efficient PV systems is to track the maximum power operating point for varying solar irradiance levels and ambient conditions. The output power produced by the PV panel is non-linear and changes with the solar irradiation and the ambient temperature. Therefore, a maximum power point tracking controller is needed to optimize the photovoltaic output power. A dc-dc converter is used to match the PV system to the load and to operate solar array at maximum power point .The perturbation and observation algorithm which is often employed to track the maximum power point This algorithm is selected due to its ability to withstand against any parameter variation and having a very high efficiency. As a result, by variation of the temperature and the insolation, the algorithm still managed to track the MPP successfully.


Boost converter, Photovoltaic, high efficiency, MPPT

How to Cite this Article?

Javed Khan Bhutto and Mool Singh (2010). Performance Improvement of PV System in Irradiation Variations Using MPPT Algorithm. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering. 3(4) Apr-Jun 2010, Print ISSN 0973-8835, E-ISSN 2230-7176, pp. 8-14.


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