The relationship between Servicescapes and Customer Post Purchase Behaviour

Anthony Perrone*
Course Coordinator/Lecturer, School of Management & Marketing, Central Queensland University, Australia.
Periodicity:March - May'2010


There has been extensive research conducted in the area of service quality and the factors that encourage customers to repurchase a product. In some service settings the servicescape can have a significant effect on what a customer experiences and the subsequent perceptions and behaviour of that customer. The material presented in this document has been extracted from a larger doctoral thesis research study of five hundred coffee shop patrons, which was undertaken to measure the effect of servicescape on consumer’s perceptions of service quality, and further investigated the potential significance of the inclusion of the ‘servicescape’ in a model relating customer service quality with customer behavioural outcomes in a service setting.

The results contribute to marketing theory by empirically showing that the addition of the servicescape construct with other service quality constructs improves the prediction of customer post-purchase perceptions and behaviours with a parsimonious model identified.

However, and of greater significance in contributing to marketing theory, a more complete general service quality model relating customer service quality with post-purchase customer behaviours, the PAWs model of Future Customer Behaviour, was developed combining a specific set of service quality constructs, which may be of value to researchers and practitioners alike in studying various service sector organisations.


Servicescape, Service Quality, Retail, Post Purchase Behavior, Consumer Behavior, Service Performance, Services Marketing.

How to Cite this Article?

Anthony Perrone (2010). The relationship between Servicescapes and Customer Post Purchase Behaviour. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 4(4), 7-31.


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