The Use Of Distance Learning In The Educational Process. Content And Structure Of Educational Platforms. Analysis Of The Platform Educans

Manuel Fandos Igado*
Public Relations Officer, Master.D.
Periodicity:March - May'2010


This work provides some considerations that complements the scarcity of researches this field of knowledge of the e-learning specifically refered to secondary education.

Distance training programmes (both open source code and not) are becoming increasingly more popular, especially in higher level education. However, there are very few cases of these types of distance learning tools being directed at secondary school pupils via a form of political support. The platform is divided into areas and levels which house the minimum learning requirements which have been stipulated by the Spanish government in the various areas of Spanish language, Mathematics and Natural sciences for the four levels of E:S:O (Compulsory Secondary Education). The platform EDUCANS is a guaranteed success and the object of this investigation.


E-learning, Distance learning, Secondary education, Intermediate education, Open learning, Online learning.

How to Cite this Article?

Manuel Fandos Igado (2010). The Use Of Distance Learning In The Educational Process Content And Structure Of Educational Platformsanalysis Of The Platform Educans. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology. 5(3), 15-34.


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