Assessment of Image Restoration techniques to Remote Sensing Applications

G. R. Sinha*
Associate Professor & Head, Shri Shankaracharya College of Engineering & Technology, Bhilai (C.G).
Periodicity:February - April'2010


The quality of satellite images propagating through the atmosphere is affected by phenomena such as scattering and absorption of light, and turbulence, which degrade the image by blurring it and reducing its contrast. The Wiener filter, which corrects for turbulence blur, aerosol blur, and path radiance simultaneously, has been implemented in the digital restoration of remotely sensed imagery. Another filter for image restoration inverse filtering has also been implemented. Restoration improves both resolvable detail and contrast. Results of the filtering on simulation and realistic images are shown.  The remotely sensed image that is to be restored is subjected to one of the filters. The degradation is added in terms of PSNR (Picture-signal-to-noise-ratio). The resulting image after restoration is compared with original image and their performance has been evaluated in terms of CNR (Contrast-to-noise -ratio), RMS error per pixel, and Calculated PSNR. The enhancement technique has also been tested for first moon image sent by satellite mission CHANDRAYAAN [1].


Image restoration, Weiner, Inverse, Remote sensing, PSNR, and CNR.

How to Cite this Article?

Sinha, G. R. (2010). Assessment Of Image Restoration Techniques To Remote Sensing Applications. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 5(3), 32-36.


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