Direct Instruction in Second Language Acquisition: A Critical Review of Related Literature

Hjalmar Punla Hernandez*
*Assistant Professor, English Division, Department of Humanities, University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines.
Periodicity:January - March'2017


Second Language Acquisition (SLA), as a sub – discipline in applied linguistics, is rapidly growing and changing (Ellis & Shintani, 2014). As such, it has yielded stirring issues on both naturalistic and instructed settings causing reviews and/or investigations by language researchers. This paper accordingly serves as a humble attempt at critically reviewing the related literature of instructed SLA particularly direct instruction as situated in the landscape of language teaching. Initially, the paper kicks-off with the essentials of direct instruction. It subsequently delves into the importance of such th instruction, and this extends to the analysis of notably empirical studies conducted in the 20 century and currently st empirical studies in the 21 century. In regards of these, the paper arrives at conclusions, recommendations, and trajectories for future SLA studies.


Second Language Acquisition, Direct Instruction, Empirical Studies on Direct Instruction in SLA.

How to Cite this Article?

Hernandez, P. H. (2017). Direct Instruction in Second Language Acquisition: A Critical Review of Related Literature. i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, 7(1), 43-56.


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