Performance and Analysis of Multi-Level Inverters

Khadim Moin Siddiqui*, Divyank Srivastava**, Gagan Teotia***, Gurpal Singh****
* Teaching-cum Ph.D Scholar, Department of Electrical Engineering, IET, Lucknow, India.
**-**** UG Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, IET, Lucknow, India.
Periodicity:November - January'2017


In the present time, applications of multilevel inverter devices are growing day-by-day in the industries due to many advantages. In the present work, the performance and analysis of multilevel inverters have been done in the latest MATLAB/Simulation environment. The performance of two and three level inverters has been compared and deduced that the three level inverter produces less harmonics as compared to two level inverter. Moreover, the analysis of multilevel inverters with different power semiconductor devices has also been done and concluded that the IGBT inverter gives most efficient results as compared to other power semiconductor devices. Since, the multilevel inverter fed devices produce large odd harmonics, especially fifth harmonics. Therefore, the high pass filter has been used to minimize harmonics to a significant level. Earlier, it has widely been observed that the transformer fed inverter devices produce large harmonics, therefore, in this work; an attempt has been made to reduce harmonics in these kind of devices and minimize harmonics to a significant level by active filters.


Two Level Inverter, Three Level Inverter, Multilevel Inverter, Total Harmonic Distortion, Harmonic Elimination, Active Filter

How to Cite this Article?

Siddiqui, K. M., Srivastava, D., Teotia, G., and Singh, G. (2017). Performance And Analysis Of Multi-Level Inverters. i-manager’s Journal on Power Systems Engineering, 4(4), 17-31.


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