Two-Dimensional Assessment of a Cambered and a Symmetric Spoiler at Various Angles of Attack and Speeds: A CFD Study

Tuncay Kamas*, Mohammed Omar**
*Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Clemson University, Clemson, USA.
** Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Clemson University, Clemson, USA.
Periodicity:February - April'2010


A two-dimensional and three-dimensional computational study has been carried out respectively regarding aerodynamic forces affecting a symmetric spoiler, NACA0015 and a cambered spoiler, NACA2414. The negative lift (down force) and drag forces were predicted through the simulation of airflows over inverted rear-wings (spoilers) in different configurations namely; varying incidences i.e. angles of attack of the airfoils, two dimensional cross-section of the wings, and varying speeds of initial airflow.  The downforce increases as the angle of attack increases however, at high angle of attacks the rear-wing starts to stall which is  not a desired condition affecting  the vehicle stability. Furthermore, the camberness added to the airfoil increased the downforce, which contributes more to the stability concept of the automobile.


Rear-Wing, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Downforce, RANS, K-? Turbulence Model.

How to Cite this Article?

Kamas, T., and Omar, M. (2010). Two-dimensional assessment of a cambered and a symmetric spoiler at various angles of attack and speeds: A CFD study. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 5(3), 14-23.


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