Smart Safety Device for Security of Women

G. Shruthi*, B. Selva Kumari**, R. Pushpa Rani***, R. Preyadharan****
*-*** UG Scholar, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, AVS Engineering College, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India.
**** Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, AVS Engineering College, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:May - July'2016


A series of unfortunate incidents have been taking place for women. Problem may come from any direction, such as walking on the road after the work or while they go alone. For these issues, the authors have introduced a device which ensures the safety of women. This project suggests a new perspective to use technology to protect women in case of trouble. This device resembles a normal watch which can track the location of victim using GPS and sends emergency messages using GSM to their emergency contact, police control room, or women helpline service. The specifications for the watch include Arduino microcontroller, sensors that detects the blood pressure, temperature, and pressure, and a camera. The watch provides all features such as unbreakable, waterproof and self sense that help the victim in any kind of emergency situation. It does not require a smartphone unlike other applications. This watch with all features will leave no stone unturned to help the victim in any situation.


Arduino ATmega328, Camera f2.0 Aperture & 5P Lens, Screaming Alarm (APR9600), GPS Module, GSM (SIM900A), Pressure Sensor.

How to Cite this Article?

Shruthi.G., Kumari,S.B., Rani,P.R., and Preyadharan.R. (2016). Smart Safety Device for Security of Women. i-manager's Journal on Embedded Systems, 5(2), 1-6.


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