Ego And Leadership Among Adolescents

Thanga Rajathi Sethurajan*
Assistant Professor in Department of Educational Technology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
Periodicity:February - April'2010


The period of adolescence is designated as the period of storm and stress and age of revolt. This is considered as being one of the most difficult stage in the life of any individual. Thus adolescence is the most critical stage with a distinct phase of rapid physical, psychological and social behavioral changes and emotional disturbances. As Ego is the perceptual centre of personality, it decides the behavior of every individual. This study was taken up to see the relationship between Ego and Leadership among adolescents with reference to their Sex, School Kind, School Type, Medium of Instruction, School Locality, Family Type, Parental Occupation and Participation in Extra -curricular activities. For the present study, survey method was employed and a sample of 200 students studying in IX, X, XI and XII standard was selected from ten High schools and Higher Secondary schools in Coimbatore district by adopting random sampling technique. The investigator specially constructed and standardized the Ego evaluator and Leadership Evaluator tools for the present study. It is found that i) There is a negligible relationship between Ego and Leadership among Adolescents ii) There is no significant difference in Ego with respect to their Sex ,School Locality, Family Type, Parental Occupation and Participation in Extra curricular activities iii)There is a significant difference in Ego with respect to their School Kind, School Type, Medium of Instruction iv)There is no significant difference in Leadership with respect to their Sex ,School Kind, Medium of Instruction ,School Locality, Family Type ,Parental Occupation, Participation in Extra-curricular activities and v)There is a significant difference in Leadership with respect to their School Type.


Ego, Leadership, Adolescents.

How to Cite this Article?

S. Thangarajathi (2010). Ego And Leadership Among Adolescents. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 3(4), 43-50.


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