A Study on Unheeded Affective Domain Affects the Affection on Neighbourhood

G. Singaravelu*
Reader, UGC-Academic Staff College, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Periodicity:February - April'2010
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.3.4.1133


Three domains have to be developed for making a perfect man. Affective domain is indispensable for protecting the aged parents, encouraging the moral values and changing the positive attitude of the learners. All the parents, policy makers and academicians expect to develop the cognitive domain of the learners but they fail to improve the domains of affective as well as psychomotor. Affective domain deals with the attitude of the learner and the emotional part of the learning. The skills that a person acquires in (or owing to) this domain are used more in humanities or arts subjects. Objectives of the study: (i) To assess the development of three domains. (ii)To find out the significant association on the opinion on affective domain between the teachers of male and female.(iii) To find out the remedial measures to develop affective domain. Methodology: Survey method was adopted in the study. Sample: One hundred pupils studying in standard XII and ten teachers from Government Higher secondary school, Thondamutur were selected as samples for the study. Tool: Researcher's self-made questionnaire to the students and an opinionnaire to the teachers were used as tools for the study. Procedure of the study: 1.Assessing the development of domains, 2. Identifying remedial measures . Findings: Affective domain is not yet developed.


Cognitive Domain, Psychomotor Domain, Affective Domain, Individually Prescribed Instruction and Unheeded Affective Domain.

How to Cite this Article?

G. Singaravelu (2010). A Study On Unheeded Affective Domain Affects The Affection On Neighbourhood. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 3(4), 38-42. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.3.4.1133


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