Application Of Series Facts Devices To A Radial Distribution System And Analysis Using A Line Flow-Based Algorithm

G.N. Sreenivas*, T. Giri Babu**
* Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad.
** Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, RRS College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
Periodicity:January - March'2010


In this paper Radial Distribution Systems (RDS) analysis with embedded series Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) devices is facilitated by formulation of power flow equations with bus voltage magnitudes and line flow as independent variables. Since control variables such as the line and bus reactive powers figure directly in the formulation, handling the control action of FACTS devices in the distribution system is direct and easily implemented.Here we are using Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC). Distribution lines have high R/X ratios, leading to the convergence problem in the traditional approaches. The major objective of FACTS devices installed on a distribution feeder are to improve voltage profiles, correct power factor and reduce losses Using the Breadth-First-Search (BFS). The bus incidence matrix of a radial distribution system is first rendered strictly upper diagonal, leading computational effort. All the common FACTS device models under steady-state conditions are easily incorporated in the new framework by a simple process of “variable swapping”. Using IEEE standard systems, the Line Flow-Based (LFB) formulation is shown to provide easy implementation with multiple series and shunt FACTS devices in the system and enable direct evaluation of the FACTS device ratings.


FACTS, Reactive Power, TCSC, Distribution Systems, Line Flow Equations.

How to Cite this Article?

G.N. Sreenivas, and T. Giribabu (2010). Application Of Series Facts Devices To A Radial Distribution System And Analysis Using A Line Flow-Based Algorithm. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 3(3), Jan-Mar 2010, Print ISSN 0973-8835, E-ISSN 2230-7176, pp. 62-75.


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