An Exploration Of Desktop Virtual Reality And Visual Processing Skills In A Technical Training Environment

Lynna J. Ausburn*, Floyd B. Ausburn**, Paul Kroutter***
* Associate Professor and Program Coordinator of Occupational Education, College of Education, Oklahoma State University, USA.
** Adjunct Faculty in Occupational Education Studies, College of Education, Oklahoma State University, USA.
*** Administrative Captain, Broken Arrow Police Department, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma State University, USA.
Periodicity:January - March'2010


Virtual reality (VR) technology has demonstrated effectiveness in a variety of technical learning situations, yet little is known about its differential effects on learners with different levels of visual processing skill. This small-scale exploratory study tested VR through quasi-experimental methodology and a theoretical/conceptual framework based on supplantation theory, cognitive load theory, Dale’s Cone of media concreteness, communication theory, and Lowenfeld’s visual/haptic perceptual typology. The study compared the differential effects of VR and traditional still-image presentations of surgical operating room environments to students with high- and low-visual perceptual styles. Descriptive statistics and two-way ANOVAs were used to examine main and interaction effects on six learning performance and opinion variables. Several significant main effects and disordinal interactions suggested that communication channel noise and cognitive load may disrupt supplantation-concreteness benefits of VR, particularly for low- visual learners. Follow-up qualitative data suggested these overload issues may have dissipated when the VR presentation was moved into a classroom learning environment.


Virtual Reality, Virtual Environments, Perceptual Style, Visualizing Ability, Aptitude-Treatment Interaction, Supplantation, Cognitive Load, Media Concreteness

How to Cite this Article?

Lynna J. Ausburn, Floyd B. Ausburn and Paul Kroutter (2010). An Exploration Of Desktop Virtual Reality And Visual Processing Skills In A Technical Training Environment. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 6(4), 43-55.


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