Do Multimedia Applications Benefit Learning-Disabled Children?

B. William Dharma Raja*, S. Praveen Kumar**
* Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India.
** Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Education, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:January - March'2010


This paper focusses on the need and benefit of using multimedia applications to cater to the needs of children with learning disabilities. The children with special educational needs  found in various schools may face difficulties in acquiring academic skills such as reading, spelling, writing, speaking, understanding, listening, thinking or arithmetic.

Multimedia approach to teaching is a strategy that comprises more than one instructional technique for teaching a particular unit. Different multimedia applications can be used to present disabled learners with visual, auditory or kinesthetic experiences thus helping them to adopt their own style of learning. The various educational media include audio media such as audio tape, recorders etc., visual media such as videotapes, television, computers, motion pictures etc., and realia such as models, kits, globes specimens etc certainly meets the needs of disabled learners with varied learning styles. The instructional media namely projected media such as slides, transparencies, projectors etc and non-projected media such as chalkboards, bulletin / magnetic boards, photographs, pictures, charts etc can benefit such learners as they provide a variety in learning. The educational media namely print media which include books, programmed texts, flash cards and electronic media or the non-print media which include CCTV, computers and other machines may help to overcome their learning problems to a large extent.

Innovative use of technology can help engage students with learning disorders to learn in an enjoyable and meaningful way. The information and communication technologies provide a number of learning opportunities in formal as well as non-formal educational settings. Computer-based education has a very important role to play as an advanced technological instruction as it employs different instructional techniques that encourages active learning and meets the diverse needs of the learners through the use of technology in education. Educational technologies like web-based learning provide a number of opportunities to the disabled learners like self-paced instruction, flexibility, self-correction etc. Various information and communication technologies can be used to teach the students the knowledge and skills they need in the 21st century. Different communication technologies such as Electronic learning, Mobile learning, Ubiquitous learning etc can be used to enrich, enliven or add variety to the learning of such educationally handicapped learners. Thus the variety and flexibility of different multimedia applications offer the opportunity to adapt any media-combination to cater to the needs of learning-disabled children.


Learning disability, Multimedia applications, information and communication technologies.

How to Cite this Article?

B. William Dharma Raja and S. Praveen Kumar (2010). Do Multimedia Applications Benefit Learning-disabled Children? i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 6(4), 1-7.


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