Survey of Diffusion of Technology in Small Businesses

Alev Efendioglu*, Tugba Karabulut**, Eugene Muscat***
*,*** University of San Francisco, San Francisco, USA.
** Istanbul Commerce University, Turkey.
Periodicity:December - February'2010


Recent years have witnessed major changes in the availability and use of information technology by large businesses to gain efficiencies and competitive advantage over rivals.  Some of the earlier research shows that is not necessarily the case in small businesses. This study tries to identify the degree and the type of information technologies currently accepted and used by the small retail and service businesses.


Small Business, San Francisco, Istanbul, Information and Communication Technology, ICT, Internet, Technology Adoption, SME, Technology Use.

How to Cite this Article?

Alev Efendioglu,Tugba Karabulut and Eugene Muscat (2010). Survey of Diffusion of Technology in Small Businesses. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 4(3), 40-52.


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