The Effects of Leadership on Employee Satisfaction and Culture

Carol Schubert Hancock*
Adjunct Instructor, Kaplan University and Argosy University, USA.
Periodicity:December - February'2010


Leaders may lack an understanding of what leader behaviors enhance job satisfaction and organizational culture. The purpose of the quantitative correlational survey study examined the relationships between leadership styles, job satisfaction, and organizational culture in small animal veterinary hospitals. Data from The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, the Organizational Description Questionnaire, the Job in General and Job Descriptive Index, revealed that leader transformational behaviors are positively correlated with the work, promotion, and supervisor facets of job satisfaction. Transactional culture is positively correlated with all facets. Training leaders to improve aspects of transactional culture and to enhance transformational behaviors may improve overall job satisfaction, satisfaction with pay, and satisfaction with opportunities for promotion.


Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Culture, MLQ, ODQ, JIG, JDI, Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership, Lassiez-Faire Leadership.

How to Cite this Article?

Carol Schubert Hancock (2010). The Effects of Leadership on Employee Satisfaction and Culture. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 4(3), 28-39.


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