Renaissance Leaders Global Trends and Emerging Forms of Leadership

Christopher C. Kim*, Jay M. Hays**
*,** The Australian National University
Periodicity:December - February'2010


Conventional leaders and leadership of the past are insufficient to meet the demands of the 21st Century. As we enter the new millennium, our world is characterised by unprecedented complexity, paradox, and unpredictability. Change is rapid and relentless. Today’s leaders face demands unlike any ever before faced. Standard leadership approaches that have served us well throughout much of history are quickly becoming liabilities. Conventional wisdom regarding leadership and many of its habits must be unlearned. The strong, decisive, charismatic, and independent leader and leadership we have idealised, strived to be, depended upon, and longed for may prove counter-productive in the new millennium and undermine a sustainable future. The challenges and opportunities of the 21st Century call for a new type of leader and leadership, indeed an entirely new and different way of thinking about leadership and of developing future leaders. This paper explores the nature of the nascent millennium and the leader and leadership qualities and capabilities expected to be crucial in the uncertain decades ahead. Eight general categories of leadership attributes have been identified as essential for the future. Those who possess or are developing these competence sets are Renaissance Leaders—individuals who are different and make a difference. A significant gap remains between current leadership competencies and those needed in the future. Implications of this gap are discussed. One important finding is that leadership development programs in industry and higher education have yet to refocus to produce the kind of leaders needed. Suggestions for reform are offered.


21st Century Leadership, Emergent Leadership,Global Trends, New Millennium, Leadership Development, Leadership Competencies.

How to Cite this Article?

Christopher C. Kim and Jay M. Hays (2010). Renaissance Leaders Global Trends and Emerging Forms of Leadership. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 4(3), 1-27.


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