Adolescents’ Computer Mediated Learning And Influences On Interpersonal Relationships

Lence Miloseva*, Tom Page**, Milka Lehtonen***, Jozefina Marelja****, Gisli Thorsteinsson*****
*Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Goce Delcev University, Stip, R.Macedonia.
** Lecturer of Electronic Product Design, Department of Design & Technology, Loughborough University, UK.
*** Researcher, University of Lapland, Finland.
**** Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark.
***** Assistant Professor, Iceland University.
Periodicity:November - January'2010


This study reports the findings of the several projects initiated at the Faculty of Education , “Goce Delcev “University , Stip,  to investigate the motivation skills, but is uniquely specific to as interpersonal relationships and resources that influence the learner’s participation in the teaching/learning process in the context of online-learning and face to face learning (FtF).Uniquely it also explores e-mail romantic relationships with regard to the levels of relationship satisfaction, intimacy, "inclusion" and interpersonal attraction. Empirical research of this kind is arguably rare and will lead to a better understanding of the possibilities and limitations of a medium that could have large effects on the relationships we have in the lives of participants of computer mediated learning.


Computer-Mediated Learning, Interpersonal Relationships.

How to Cite this Article?

Lence Miloseva, Tom Page, Miika Lehtonen, Jozefina Marelja and Gisli Thorsteinsson (2010). Adolescents' Computer Mediated Learning And Influences on Inter-Personal Relationships. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 3(3), 35-43.


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