Guidance In The Secondary School

Lecturer in Psychology, KABD College of Education, Painkulam, Kanyakumari District, TamilNadu.
Periodicity:November - January'2010


Secondary School Students face a lot of problems in their body as well as in mind due to puberty that tends to adolescence stage. Adolescence has peculiar characters of their own. They need proper Guidance and Counselling to tackle their own problems. Guidance described as a counselling service to assist the individual in achieving self direction and educational, vocational and personal adjustment and to take positive steps in the light of new orientations. Guidance at secondary school stage is an important aspect in moulding the personality of the future leaders of the nation. In this article the author gives the importance aspects of guidance service in the secondary schools.


Secondary Schools, Guidance.

How to Cite this Article?

V. Jurist Lional Kumar (2010). Guidance in the Secondary School. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 3(3), 18-22.


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