This paper will describe the use of developed resources for doctoral students taking a literature review class (DOC722) at the University of Phoenix. The paper offers a description of several Mindtools along with their educational advantages for research projects. Today's graduate students are challenged to identify and interpret relevant research materials in the midst of vast amounts of information that is available through the Internet and digital libraries. Mindtools enable individuals to develop research narratives that reflect intellectual depth and a clear understanding of the literature.


Using Mindtools In Literature Reviews

Brent Muirhead*
Lead Faculty and Area Chair for Business Communications, University of Phoneix, Georgia.
Periodicity:October - December'2009


This paper will describe the use of developed resources for doctoral students taking a literature review class (DOC722) at the University of Phoenix. The paper offers a description of several Mindtools along with their educational advantages for research projects. Today's graduate students are challenged to identify and interpret relevant research materials in the midst of vast amounts of information that is available through the Internet and digital libraries. Mindtools enable individuals to develop research narratives that reflect intellectual depth and a clear understanding of the literature.


Mindtools, Literature Review, Spreadsheets, Microsoft Word, Mind Maps.

How to Cite this Article?

Brent Muirhead (2009). Using Mind tools in Literature Reviews. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 6(3), 28-33.


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