Robust Sliding mode control based wind power generation

M. Mohammadha Hussaini*, R. Anita**
*Senior Lecturer, Department. of Electrical and Electronics, IRTT, Erode.
** HOD, Department. of Electrical and Electronics, IRTT, Erode.
Periodicity:October - December'2009


With the growing needs of energy, the use of renewable resources to serve the purpose has been increased. Our paper is just a light into the solution to the crisis that is looming over us. We have designed a controller in the direction of improving the efficiency of Wind energy systems.

The approach is based on a sliding mode control methodology, i.e., the system under control is driven towards a sliding mode by tuning the parameters of the controller. In this loop, the parameters of the controller are adjusted such that a zero learning error level is reached in one dimensional phase space defined on the output of the controller.


Induction Generator, PIC Microcontroller, Simulation, Sliding Mode Control And Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS).

How to Cite this Article?

M. Mohammadha Hussaini and R. Anita (2009). Robust Sliding Mode Control Based Wind Power Generation. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 3(2), Oct-Dec 2009, Print ISSN 0973-8835, E-ISSN 2230-7176, pp. 65-70.


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