A Fuzzy Logic Approach for Structural Comparison, Rating, and Finding Distinct Inversions of Kinematic Chains

V. Srinivasa Rao*, K. Mallikarjuna Rao**, A.B. Srinivasa Rao***
* Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aditya Engineering College, Surampalem, Andhra Pradesh, India.
** Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University College of Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada (JNTUK), Andhra Pradesh, India.
*** Principal, Sri Vasavi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nandamuru, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:November - January'2017
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jfet.12.2.10367


Structural synthesis of kinematic chains is a potential area for researchers for many years. Selection of best kinematic chain with desired linkage and degree of freedom for a specific industrial purpose, i.e. automotive transmission system, robotic manipulators, and lifting devices need systematic synthesis. Many researchers produced algorithms involving a lot of computations. In this paper, a novel and simple method is proposed assigning fuzzy parameters to the links of kinematic chain. It comprises detection of isomorphism, rating, and distinct inversions of a kinematic chain. Adjacency of a kinematic link up to the last level is assessed in the analysis. The output of the method as a quantitative measurement greatly assists the designer in selecting the kinematic chain needed. The isomorphism checking, rating, and distinct Inversions of 8-link 1-dof kinematic chains are presented using the proposed method. All the results are in agreement with the available literature. The proposed method can also be extended to higher linkage and multiple Degrees of Freedom (DOF).


Kinematic Chain, Adjacency, Fuzzy Parameter, Inversion, Isomorphism.

How to Cite this Article?

Rao, V.S., Rao, K.M., and Rao, A.B.S., (2017). A Fuzzy Logic Approach for Structural Comparison, Rating, and Finding Distinct Inversions of Kinematic Chains. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 12(2), 16-26. https://doi.org/10.26634/jfet.12.2.10367


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