Stress, Widowhood and Psychological Well-Being: a Case Study

Afreen Amir Ali*, Afshan Shanif**
* Assistant Head Nurse, Department of Neuro-Science, Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan.
** Registered Nurse, Department of Pediatric, Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan.
Periodicity:November - January'2017


The death of a husband brings a turning point in the woman's life. The transition from a wife to widow is a dreadful challenge. With these challenges and issues, many widows, especially in the developing countries end up with stress, anxiety, and depression. The aim of this case study is to comprehend the characteristics associated with stress in widowhood and also illustrate the approaches to improve their psychological well-being. This case study is about a 49- year-old widow to whom we encountered in a community setting with the symptoms of stress. Data were collected through self-report instrument and interviews. All mentioned symptoms in data reveal stress that mainly relate to widowhood. These symptoms are reducible with the implementation of psycho education, CAM therapy, and cognitivebehavioral therapy. Besides that, different interventions at group and institutional levels are desired as well to boost widows' psychological wellbeing. Widowhood affects the psychological wellbeing of the individual and their families. So, as health care providers need to build up an effective health care system in the community so that adaptive response can be promoted to deal effectively with stress in widowhood.


Stress, Widowhood, Community Mental Health Promotion, Developing Countries

How to Cite this Article?

Ali, A.A., and Shanif, A. (2017). Stress, Widowhood and Psychological Well-Being: a Case Study. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 6(4), 35-39.


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