Emotional Intelligence Of In-Service And Pre-Service Trainee Teachers: A Comparative Study

Gaurav Singh*, Girijesh Kumar**
* Sr. Lecturer, Rakshpal Bahadur Teachers Training Institute, Bareilly
** Head, Department of Education, Faculty of Education and Allied Sciences, M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly.
Periodicity:August - October'2009
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.3.2.1034


A Teacher Is More Near To Students Than Any Other During His School Days. Students Want To Share Each And Every Thing Related To Educational As Well As Personal Matters With Him. It Reflects That A Teacher Has Strong Emotional Bondage With Students.In The Light Of Above Discussion Researcher Decided To Carry Out A Research On Trainee Teachers To Analyze Their Emotional Intelligence In Relation To Their Mode Of Training I.E. Pre-Service Training Programme (B.Ed. Regular) And In-Service Training Programme (B.Ed. Distance Mode).Research Has Been Carried Out On 182 Trainee Teachers (Divided In To Two Age Groups I.E. Pre-Service Training Programme (B.Ed. Regular) And In-Service Training Programme (B.Ed. Distance Mode), Using Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS) By Anukool Hyde, Sanjyot Pathe And Upinder Dhar (2002). Mean, Standard Deviation And T-Test Are Used To Analyze The Data.The Research Has Indicated That Emotional Intelligence Of Trainee Teachers Differs Significantly In Relation To Their Mode Of Training. It Also Has Been Observed That On The Aspects Like Self Awareness, Emotional Stability, Managing Relation, Integrity, Self- Development, Empathy And Value Orientation, Trainee Teachers Of In-Service Course (B.Ed. Distance) Are Much Better, Whereas On The Aspects Like Self-Motivation, Commitment And Altruistic Behavior, The Trainee Teachers Of Pre-Service Course (B.Ed. Regular) Are Significantly Better Than Trainee Teachers In Distance Programme.


Emotional Intelligence, B.Ed. Distance, B.Ed. Regular, In-service Trainee Teachers, Pre-service Trainee Teachers.

How to Cite this Article?

Gaurav Singh and Girijesh Kumar (2009). Emotional Intelligence Of In-Service And Pre-Service Trainee Teachers: A Comparative Study. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 3(2), 60-64. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.3.2.1034


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