Public Transportation and Verification By Aadhar Card

Ashish Kumar Verma*
M. Tech. Scholar, Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:September - November'2016


In today's world, as we know that public transportation system such as airway, railway, roadway, and waterway are the network which is used for connecting different places of the world, these networks are not secure enough as there is no or improper verification of the passengers. Anyone can register a ticket in one of the respective transportation systems and can board in without any security check. Security issues are also a major issue as many passengers whether have a ticket or not, can enter in the roadway, train, water boat, and airport without going through any security check. For making our transportation system secure and to avoid losses of health & wealth of the people, verification through Aadhar Card Number is one of the best solutions. By using Aadhar card as a tool, security and verification of all passengers can be done very easily and efficiently. Ticket verification will be done at the respective station by going through biometric check which will confirm the details filled by passengers, while registering ticket and after verification from Aadhar database, passengers will get the confirmation message. This biometric check will be done at security check point so that all passengers have to go through security check.


Aadhar Card, Security Check Point, Aadhar Database, Biometric.

How to Cite this Article?

Verma. A. K (2016). Public Transportation and Verification By Aadhar Card. i-manager’s Journal on Information Technology, 5(4), 11-19.


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