Aerodynamic Characteristics of Hypersonic Vehicle with Variable Sweep back Wing Configuration

P. Saravanan*, S. Nadaraja Pillai**, K. M. Parammasivam***
* Research Scholar, Department of Aerospace Engg, MIT, Anna University, India.
**Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engg, S.R.M University, India.
***Assistant Professor, Department of Aerospace Engg, MIT, Anna University, India.
Periodicity:August - October'2009


Experimental studies have been conducted to obtain the low speed characteristics of hypersonic vehicle configuration with two different sweep back angle. The vehicle configuration consists of blunt nose, variable sweep back wing, curved fore body Six component force and moment data were obtained over an angle of attack range from —15 to +15 degrees on the 1: 50 scale model in the wind tunnel. The sweep back angles are also changed for different test conditions. The experimental results are presented in terms of lift coefficients Drag coefficients and L/D ratio for various angles of attack and different flow velocities. It is found that there is positive lift coefficient for the configuration at zero angle of attack with considerable drag reduction due to the variable sweepback wings and produces high L/D ratio.


CL, CD, Blunt Body, L/D ratio, Angle of Attack, Six Component Strain Gauge Balance.

How to Cite this Article?

Saravanan, P., Pillai, S. N., and Parammasivam, K.M. (2009). Aerodynamic Characteristics Of Hypersonic Vehicle With Variable Sweep Back Wing Configuration. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 5(1), 44-50.


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